Regular screening for patients at high risk to develop pancreatic cancer can bring peace-of-mind, increased chances of survival, and a new way to combat one of the most deadly cancers affecting communities across the U.S.

The test works by looking at 59 clinically-validated DNA methylation regions that originate from cell-free tumor DNA molecules that circulate in the blood. These indicatory biochemical signatures can be detected on a per base level and are specific to pancreatic cancer.

3 Categories for Clinical Use

The BT-Reveal test can be deployed in different clinical settings
where the need to identify or rule out pancreatic cancer is critical

Genetic Risks and Family
History of pancreatic
and other cancers

Pancreatic Cyst
Surveillance and
Inconclusive GI Scans

Informing Unresolved
GI Conditions and New
Onset Diabetes

Professional Screening Recommendations
for Known Genetic Risks 2

Test sensitivity and specificity scores include both early and late stage PDAC detection (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma). These numbers reflect data submitted to the U.S. FDA as part of the test’s application for Breakthrough Device Status and are based on a training set of 334 samples and pre-clinical validation set of 196 samples. For more information on test performance and it’s ability to detect early stage pancreatic cancer, please email us at

Aslanian HR, Lee JH, Canto MI. AGA Clinical Practice Update on Pancreas Cancer Screening in High-Risk Individuals: Expert Review. Gastroenterology. 2020 Jul;159(1):358-362. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.03.088. Epub 2020 May 19. PMID: 32416142

Tempero MA, Malafa MP, Al-Hawary M, Behrman SW, Benson AB, Cardin DB, Chiorean EG, Chung V, Czito B, Del Chiaro M, Dillhoff M, Donahue TR, Dotan E, Ferrone CR, Fountzilas C, Hardacre J, Hawkins WG, Klute K, Ko AH, Kunstman JW, LoConte N, Lowy AM, Moravek C, Nakakura EK, Narang AK, Obando J, Polanco PM, Reddy S, Reyngold M, Scaife C, Shen J, Vollmer C, Wolff RA, Wolpin BM, Lynn B, George GV. Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Version 2.2021, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2021 Apr 1;19(4):439-457. doi: 10.6004/jnccn.2021.0017. PMID: 33845462..